New Paradigm Multimedia
“This beautifully written mystery, set in the international art world, expresses a deep heart-centered wisdom inspired by Renaissance ideals and the goddess archetype. In our own time of great change and rebirth, Dana Micucci celebrates the return of a divine feminine consciousness and the power of love.”
-- Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
“Dana Micucci’s The Third Muse is a wonderful blend of spirituality, history, suspense, and intrigue. At its center are the deep divine feminine mystery teachings of the Magdalene Order. This novel serves as a powerful vehicle of awakening and remembrance for the many present-day members of this Order who have yet to discover who they are.”
--Catherine Ann Clemett, author of Soulweaving and co-author of Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes
"The Third Muse is a captivating read! From the intriguing international art scene to time-traveling through the Renaissance, you will be inspired and touched by the spiritual exploration of this book.”
--James F. Jereb, Ph.D., award-winning author, visionary artist, and founder of the sacred site Stardreaming